
美國耶魯大學藝術史系博士 Ph.D., History of Art, Yale University, USA (2001.9 - 2005.5)
美國耶魯大學美術史文學與哲學雙碩士 M.A., M. Phil., History of Art, Yale University, USA (1996.9 - 2001.12)
國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所碩士 (1993.9 - 1996.6)
國立臺灣大學化學工程系學士 (1988.9 - 1992.6)
國立台灣大學藝術史研究所兼任副教授 (2019.9 - 迄今)
國立師範大學藝術史研究所兼任副教授 (2015.9 - 迄今)
國立台北藝術大學美術系兼任副教授 (2015.9 - 迄今)
國立故宮博物院助理研究員(博士級)(2006.7 - 2010.7)
國立台北藝術大學美術史研究所兼任助理教授 (2005.9 - 2015.7)
國立故宮博物院書畫處編輯(講師級) (2003.04 - 2006.7)
獲美國紐約大都會博物館獎學金並於該館東方部實習 (2002.9 - 2003.4)
科技部專題研究計畫 (優秀年輕學者研究計畫)「交流史視野下的蘇州片研究」(104-2628-H-001 -002 -MY3)(2015.08.01~2018.07.31)
國家科學委員會101年度整合型計畫「多方觀照:近代早期歐洲與東亞在視覺、物質文化上的交會互動 II」項下子計畫「歐洲自然史與清宮的交會:一個圖像視覺史的角度」(NSC 101-2410-H-001 -099 -MY2)(2012/8-2014/7)
國家科學委員會99年度整合型計畫「多方觀照:近代早期歐洲與東亞在視覺、物質文化上的交會互動」項下子計畫「清宮、日本與歐洲對珍禽異獸的收藏與圖繪」 (NSC 99-2410-H-136-007-MY2)(2010/8-2012/7)
國家科學委員會98年度專題研究計畫「清宮的圖譜類製作與歐洲百科全(II)」( NSC 98-2410-H-136-003-)(2009/8 - 2010/7)
國家科學委員會97年度專題研究計畫「清宮的圖譜類製作與西洋百科全(I)」( NSC 97-2410-H-136-005-)(2008/8 - 2009/7)
國家科學委員會95年度專題研究計畫「知識與藝術的介面:清宮博物圖」(NSC 95-2411-H-136-007-)(2006/8 - 2008/7)
國家科學委員會95年度專題研究計畫 「十九世紀下半旅滬日本文化與上海藝術專題研究」(NSC 95-2411-H-136-001-)(2006/1 - 2006/7)
陳階晉、賴毓芝,2008, 追索浙派,台北: 國立故宮博物院。
賴毓芝,2018年11月,〈從仙山、瑞應到天堂: 談郎世寧《海天旭日圖》對蘇州片題材的轉換〉,《紫禁城》,2018年11期,頁136-155。
賴毓芝,2018年9月,〈「連結」之後:評 Kristina Kleutghen, Imperial Illusions: CrossingPictorial Boundaries in the Qing Palaces (Washington, D.C.: University of Washington Press, 2015)〉,《浙江大學藝術與考古研究》,第3輯, 頁191-225
賴毓芝,2016年12月,〈晚清中日交流下的圖像、技術與性別:《鏡影簫聲初集》研究〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》,28期, 125-214。(THCI)
賴毓芝,2014年9月,〈清末石印的興起與上海日本畫譜類書籍的流通:以《點石齋叢畫》為中心〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,85期,頁57-127。(THCI, Others)
賴毓芝,2013年6月,〈清宮對歐洲自然史圖像的再製:以乾隆朝《獸譜》為例〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,80期,頁1-75。(THCI, THCI CORE)
Yu-chih Lai, 2013, “Images, Knowledge and Empire: Depicting Cassowaries in the Qing Court”, Transcultural Studies, no. 1, pp. 7-100.
賴毓芝,2012年3月,〈圖像帝國:乾隆朝《職貢圖》的製作與帝都呈現〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,75期,頁1-76。。(THCI, Others)
賴毓芝,2011年12月,〈圖像、知識與帝國:清宮的食火雞圖繪〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第29卷第2期,頁1-75。(THCI, Others)
賴毓芝,2011年3月,〈日本美術在中國:從任伯年到吳昌碩〉,《BI(東京大学東洋文化研究所「21世紀アジアの研究」與超域連携研究プログラム「アジアの『美』の構築」 annual report)》,vol. 5,頁37-44。
Yu-chih Lai, Dec. 2010, “Heritage Remaking: Emperor Qianlong's Reorganization of the Imperial Portraits from the Previous Dynasties in 1748”, National Palace Museum Bulletin, Volume 43, pp.21-45.
賴毓芝,2009年9月,〈《墨林今話》的編輯看明治初年中日文化圈的往來〉,《美術史研究集刊》,第27期,頁197-230。(THCI, Others)
賴毓芝,2009年6月,〈文化遺產的再造:乾隆皇帝對於南薰殿圖像的整理〉,《故宮學術季刊》,26卷4期,頁75-110。(THCI, THCI CORE)
賴毓芝,2007年9月,想像異國:傳〈陳居中文姬歸漢圖〉研究,《故宮學術季刊》,25卷1期,頁15-88。(THCI, THCI CORE)
賴毓芝,2007年7月,〈法國遠東學院與十九世紀 〉,《故宮文物月刊》,292期,頁22-27。
Yu-chih Lai, Sept. 2004, “Remapping Borders: Ren Bonian’s Frontier Paintings and Urban Life in 1880s Shanghai”, The Art Bulletin, LXXXVI, pp. 550-572. (A&HCI)
賴毓芝,2003年3月,〈伏流潛借—1870年代上海的日本網絡與任伯年作品中的日本養分〉,《美術史研究集刊》,第14期,頁159-242。(THCI, THCI CORE)
Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Costuming the Empire: A Study on the Production of Tributary Paintings at the Qianlong Court in 18th Century China”, editor(s): Lynda Klich and Tara Zanardi, Fashioning Identities: Types, Dress, and Customs in a Global Context.
Yu-chih Lai, accepted,, “Domesticating the Global and Materializing the Unknown: A Study on Album of Beasts at the Qianlong Court”, ,Anna Grasskamp, Monica Juneja編,《EuroAsian Objects: Art and Material Culture in Global Exchange, 1600-1800》。
Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Mediating Tradition: Japanese Copperplate Printing and Art Reproduction in 1880s Shanghai”, editor(s): Christine Guth, Melanie Trede, Mio Wakita, Japanese Art – Global Dimensions.
Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Traditional Leisure in a Globalized Age: Selling and Consuming Japanese Illustrated Books in 1880s Shanghai”, editor(s): Rudolf G. Wagner and Catherine Vance Yeh, Leisure and Social Change: The Dynamics of the Transcultural Flow of Concepts, Institutions and Practices of Leisure across Asia.
Yu-chih Lai,"Traditional Leisure in a Globalized Age: Selling and Consuming Japanese Illustrated Books in 1880s Shanghai," in Wagner, Rudolf G., Yeh, Catherine V., Menegon, Eugenio, Weller, Robert P. (ed.), Testing the Margins of Leisure Case Studies on China, Japan, and Indonesia (Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2019)
Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Costuming the Empire: A Study on the Production of Tributary Paintings at the Qianlong Court in 18th Century China”, editor(s): Lynda Klich and Tara Zanardi, Fashioning Identities: Types, Dress, and Customs in a Global Context.
Yu-chih Lai,accepted,“Domesticating the Global and Materializing the Unknown: A Study on Album of Beasts at the Qianlong Cour”, Anna Grasskamp, Monica Juneja, EuroAsian Objects: Art and Material Culture in Global Exchange, 1600-1800, pp. 125-174.
Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Mediating Tradition: Japanese Copperplate Printing and Art Reproduction in 1880s Shanghai”, editor(s): Christine Guth, Melanie Trede, Mio Wakita, Japanese Art – Global Dimensions.
Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Traditional Leisure in a Globalized Age: Selling and Consuming Japanese Illustrated Books in 1880s Shanghai”, editor(s): Rudolf G. Wagner and Catherine Vance Yeh, Leisure and Social Change: The Dynamics of the Transcultural Flow of Concepts, Institutions and Practices of Leisure across Asia.
賴毓芝,2017年,〈技術移植與文化選擇:岸田吟香與1880年代上海銅版書籍之進口與流通〉,黃自進 潘光哲編,《近代中日關係史新論》,頁547-603,台北:稻香出版社。
Yu-chih Lai, Jan. 2013, “Historicity, Visuality and Patterns of Literati Transcendence: Picturing the Red Cliff”, editor(s): Shane McCausland, Hwang Yin, On Telling Images of China: Essays in Narrative Painting and Visual Culture, pp. 177-212, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Yu-chih Lai, 2013, “Hokusai à Shanghai: Ren Bonian et la Culture Populaire Japanaise”, editor(s): Paris Musées, L'école de Shanghai : 1840-1920, Peintures et calligraphies du musée de Shanghai, pp. 26-37, Paris: Paris Musées.
라이위즈Yu-chih Lai,2013年,〈모방, 혁신, 그리고 문화 교류 : 임백년1840 -1895과 상하이 내부의 일본 대중문화 〉(Imitation, Innovation and Cultural Exchanges : Ren Bonian (1840-1895) and Japanese Popular Culture in Shanghai),Ewha Womans University Museum編,《모방의 미학: 한국미술 속의 모방과 창조-현대미술, 원본에 도전하다 (The Aesthetics of Imitation : Imitation and Creativity in Korea Art﹣Modern Art and the Idea of the Original)》,頁134-140,Seoul:Ewha Womans University Museum。
Yu-chih Lai, Dec. 2012, “Tea and the Art Market in Sino-Japanese Exchanges of the Late Nineteenth Century: The Case of Sencha and Seiwan Meien Zushi”, editor(s): Joshua A. Fogel, The Role of Japan in Modern Chinese Art, pp. 42-68, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Yu-chih Lai, July.2009,“Ren Yi,” in David Pong ed., Encyclopedia of Modern China (Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons), vol. 4, pp. 264-265.
賴毓芝,2019年11月,〈圖可以作什麼?:以英國東印度公司職員 John Bradby Blake 所訂製的植物圖繪談十八世紀的全球 知識與商業網絡 〉,發表於「海關與近代中國」國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所,2019-11-28 ~ 2019-11-29。
賴毓芝,2019年11月,〈「中國風」在中國:以《皇朝禮器圖式》相關之製作為例〉,發表於「明清中國與世界藝術」國際學術研討會,北京中央美術學院,2019-11-02 ~ 2018-11-03。
Yu-chih Lai, Sep. 2019,“The Literati Baimiao Tradition Encountering European Drawings at the Qianlong Court of the 18th Century,” CIHA FLORENCE 2019,Villa Vittoria – Firenze Fiera,2019-09-01 ~ 2019-09-06.
賴毓芝,2019年8月,〈蘇州片與狩野派研究〉,發表於「狩野派與中國」工作坊,中央研究院近代史研究所,2019-08-27 。
賴毓芝,2019年8月,〈《皇朝禮器圖式》的製作與外銷畫〉,發表於《皇朝禮器圖式》國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所,2019-08-22 ~ 2018-08-23。
Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2019,“Joining the Global Court Society: New “Art” of Diplomacy in the Qianlong Court,” Workshop on “The Art of Diplomacy: Material Culture and the Practice of Gift Exchange in the Late Joseon Dynasty,” sponsored by Academy of Korean Studies and the division of East-Asian Art History at Freie Universität, held at Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin,2019-06-28 ~ 2019-06-29.
Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2019,“Visual Brokerage and Blockage: Some Observations on the Project of an Encyclopedic Production of Albums Embarked in 1750 at the Qianlong Court,” “Toward a History of Knowledge: 8th Gewina Meeting of Historians of Science in the Low Countries,” hosted by the Artechne research group Woudschoten Conference Center, Zeist,2019-06-21 ~ 2019-06-22.
賴毓芝,2018年8月,〈知識的仲介者:由流寓日本文人與舶商看清宮《鳥譜》的東傳〉,發表於「使節‧海商‧僧侶:近世東亞文化意象傳衍過程中的中介人物」國際學術研討會,中央研究院人文社會科學館,2018-8-30 ~ 2018-8-31。
Yu-chih Lai, Apr. 2018,“From Court Paintings to Export Paintings: Imperial Court Workshop Practice and the Proliferation of its Style,” paper presented in the panel “Canton, Beijing, and the Court: Chinese Export Painting Revisited,” organized by Yu-chih Lai, Academia Sinica, at Association for Asian Studies - 2018 Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., U. S. A,2018-04-18 ~ 2018-04-21.
Yu-chih Lai, Apr. 2018,“Fabricated Images for the “True” Knowledge: European Illusionistic style and the New Discourse on “Image (Tu)” at the Qianlong Court,” paper presented in the International Conference on “Falsehood, Forgery, and Knowledge Production in Early Modern World: A Comparative Perspective from Studies on Ming-Qing China to Global History,” National Palace Museum, Academia Sinica, Taipei,2018-04-09 ~ 2018-04-10.
賴毓芝,2017年12月,〈從蘇州片談清宮院體的成立〉,發表於「偽作與文化媒介:明清蘇州商業繪畫 」工作坊,中央研究院近代史研究所,2017-12-27。
Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2017, “From Court Paintings to Export Paintings: Some Observations on the Commercial Workshops in Beijing in the Qing dynasty,” International Conference “Folk Images and Late Imperial China,” Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2017-06-29 ~ 2017-06-30.
Yu-chih Lai, Mar. 2017, “Visual Governance: A Study on Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Qing dynasty”, paper presented at Association for Asian Studies - 2017 Annual Conference, Toronto: Association for Asian Studies, 2017-03-16 ~ 2017-03-19.
Yu-chih Lai, Feb. 2017, “Coining Territory: The Qianlong Emperor’s Gift to Catherine the Great”, paper presented at College Art Association-2017 Annual Conference, New York: College Art Association, 2017-02-15 ~ 2017-02-18.
賴毓芝,2016年7月,〈院體與清宮譜類圖像的製作〉,發表於「院體:清宮製作的風格、技術與物質性」工作坊,中央研究院:中央研究院明清推動委員會,2016-07-25 ~ 2016-07-26。
Yu-chih Lai, Jan. 2016, “Visual Governance: Cataloguing People, Birds, and Animals at the Qianlong Court”, paper presented at Material Cultures of Knowledge: Netze wissenschafts-politischer Beziehungen zwischen Taiwan und Deutschland in Früher Neuzeit und Moderne, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, 2016-01-26 ~ 2016-01-27.
Yu-chih Lai,2015年12月,〈Mediating Tradition: Japanese Copperplate Printing and Art Reproduction in 1880s Shanghai〉,發表於2015中央研究院明清研究國際學術研討會,中央研究院:中央研究院明清推動委員會,2015-12-10 ~ 2015-12-11。
賴毓芝,2015年10月,〈清宮、歐洲與日本:清宮《鳥譜》的成立與流播〉,發表於「激盪與新生─亞歐文化藝術的交流」九十周年院慶暨兩岸故宮第五屆學術研討會,國立故宮博物院:國立故宮博物院,2015-10-28 ~ 2015-10-29。
Yu-chih Lai, Oct. 2015, “Mediating Tradition: Japanese Copperplate Printing and Art Reproduction in 1880s Shanghai”, paper presented at International Conference “Histories of Japanese Art and Their Global Contexts — New Directions”, Heidelberg University: Heidelberg University, 2015-10-22 ~ 2015-10-24.
賴毓芝,2015年8月,〈從圖像消費到文化政治:日本與乾隆朝西清譜錄從晚清到民國時期的再生〉,發表於「近代中日關係的多重面向(1850-1949)」國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2015-08-19 ~ 2015-08-21。
Yu-chih Lai, Jul. 2015, “Imperial Politics and European Botanical Practice at the Qianlong Court: A Study of the images on the "Auspicious Tree"”, paper presented at 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Paris: International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, 2015-07-06 ~ 2015-07-10.
Yu-chih Lai, May. 2015, “Domesticating the Global: Renaissance Images and Knowledge in Album of Beasts at the Qianlong Court”, paper presented at 「近代早期中西文化交流中的感官與感覺」國際高端工作坊, 復旦大學中華文明研究中心: 復旦大學中華文明研究中心, 2015-05-15 ~ 2015-05-18.
賴毓芝,2014年12月,〈舊行業的新行銷與新技術:《鏡影簫聲初集》研究〉,發表於「物品、圖像與性別」國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2014-12-17 ~ 2014-12-18。
賴毓芝,2014年8月,〈清末上海的銅版書籍的生產與流通:以樂善堂為中心〉,發表於panel 「中日交流場域中的新媒體、新平台與新文化實踐」,「全球視野下的中國近代史研究」國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2014-08-11 ~ 2014-08-13。
Yu-chih Lai, Mar. 2014, “Reinventing Renaissance Tradition in China: Depicting Cassowaries at the Qing Qianlong Court”, paper presented at the panel “Framing Foreign Nature: Prepresenting Animals in Early Modern China and Europe,” the Renaissance Society of America 60th Annual Meeting, New York: Renaissance Society of America, 2014-03-27 ~ 2014-03-29.
Yu-chih Lai, Jan. 2014, “Traditional Leisure in a Globalized Age: Selling and Consuming Japanese Illustrated Books in Shanghai, 1880-1911”, paper presented at International Conference “Leisure and Social Change: The Dynamics of the Transcultural Flow of Concepts, Institutions and Practices of Leisure across Asia", Heidelberg University, Germany: Cluster of Excellence: Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2014-01-10 ~ 2014-01-11.
yu-chih Lai, Dec. 2013, “Truth Contested: Imperial Politics, Image Discourse, and European Botanical Studies at the Qianlong Court”, paper presented at International Workshop “Interactions in Art: East Asia and Europe, 1600-1800“, Taipei: Institute of Modern History & The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica, 2013-12-16 ~ 2013-12-17.
賴毓芝,2013年11月,〈是皆紀實、非虚詞—從乾隆《瑞樹圖》的製作看乾隆對於「圖」的論述及其品味〉,發表於兩岸故宮第四屆學術研討會:乾隆皇帝的藝術品味,北京:北京故宮,2013-11-09 ~ 2013-11-10。
Yu-chih Lai, Oct. 2013, “Imitation, Innovation, and Cultural Exchanges: Ren Bonian (1840-1895) and Japanese Popular Culture in Shanghai,”, paper presented at International Symposium “Imitation and Creation", Seoul: Ewha Womans University Museum, 2013-10-18.
賴毓芝,2013年7月,〈日本與中國「國畫」的誕生,1911-1949〉,發表於近代中日關係的多重面向(1850-1949)學術研討會,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所與大阪市立大學城市研究中心,2013-07-11 ~ 2013-07-12。
Yu-chih Lai, May. 2013,“Court and Cultural exchanges: a study of “Album of Birds” produced at the Qing Qianlong Court,” paper delivered at the workshop “Issues in East Asian Art," Department of Archaeology and Art History, Seoul National University.2013-05-31
Yu-chih Lai, May. 2013, “Court and Cultural exchanges: a study of “Album of Birds” produced at the Qing Qianlong Court”, paper presented at The Itineraries of Art: Topographies of Artistic Mobility in Europe and Asia, 1500-1900, Berlin: Freie Universität, 2013-05-23 ~ 2013-05-26.
Yu-chih Lai, Apr. 2013, “Priming the Empire: Birds, Beasts and Peoples at the Qianlong Cou”, paper presented at Face to Face: the Transcendence of the Art in China and Beyond, Lisbon: University of Lisbon, 2013-04-03 ~ 2013-04-05.
Yu-chih Lai, Mar. 2013, “The Rise of Lithographic Printing and the Changing Visual Landscape in Shanghai”, paper presented at panel “Senses Make Sense: Seeing, Hearing, Touching, and Smelling in Chinese Everyday Life, 1870s-1990s,” organized by Xuelei Huang, at AAS, San Diego, U.S.A.: Association of Asian Studies, 2013-03-21 ~ 2013-03-24.
Yu-chih Lai, Jul. 2012, “Money, Networking, and Leisure: The Trade in Japanese Illustrated Books and the Rise of Lithographic Printing in Shanghai”, paper presented at 「近代東亞城市的社會群體與社會網絡」國際學術研討會, 中央研究院近代史研究所: 中央研究院近代史研究所與大阪市立大學城市研究中心, 2012-07-24 ~ 2012-07-25.
Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2012, “Money, Networking, and Leisure:The Trade in Japanese Illustrated Books and the Rise of Lithographic Printing in Shanghai”, 26 pages, paper presented at Workshop “Leisure and Money: The Dynamics of the Exchange of Goods, Lifestyles, and Institutions Across Asia”, Boston University: Boston University, 2012-06-15 ~ 2012-06-16.
Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2012, “Priming the World: Appropriating Renaissance Images and Knowledge in Album of Beasts at the Qianlong Court”, 25 pages, paper presented at A Connective History of Qing Art: Visuality, Images and Imaginaries, University of Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 2012-06-07 ~ 2012-06-11.
賴毓芝,2012年1月,〈日本在中國近代畫史開展與建構中的位置〉,發表於「回首百年民國」學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-13。
賴毓芝,2011年11月,〈知識、想像與交流-南懷仁《坤輿全圖》之動物圖像研究〉,發表於兩岸故宮第三屆學術研討會─十七、十八世紀(1662-1722)中西文化交流,國立故宮博物院,台北:國立故宮博物院,2011-11-15 ~ 2011-11-17。
賴毓芝,2011年2月,〈日本美術在中國: 從任伯年到吳昌碩〉, 「アジアが見た日本美術」,東京大学東洋文化研究所「21世紀アジアの研究」與超域連携研究プログラム「アジアの『美』の構築」共同主辦,東京大學東洋文化研究所,東京,2011-02-16.
Yu-chih Lai, Apr. 2010, “Literati Responses to the Red Cliff: From the Red Cliff Rhapsodies to Their Illustrations” paper delivered at the international conference”, paper presented at A Colloquium: Voices on the Telling Images of China, Dublin, Ireland: Chester Beatty Library, 2010-04-30 ~ 2010-05-10.
賴毓芝,2009年12月,〈上海與關西南畫圈的往來:以王一亭為例〉,發表於中国近代絵画に関わる国際研究交流,京都:京都國立博物館,2009-12-16 ~ 2009-12-17。
Yu-chih Lai, Aug. 2009, “The Zhe School and Princely Collecting: A Case Study Involving a New Lü Ji Painting in the National Palace Museum”, paper presented at “Regional Perspectives on the Zhe School of Chinese Painting” panel in the international conference “International Convention of Asia Scholars 6 (ICAS6),, Daejeon, Korea: International Convention of Asia Scholars, 2009-08-06 ~ 2009-08-09.
賴毓芝,2008年11月,〈十九世紀的肖像畫與攝影-以任伯年的肖像畫為中心〉,發表於像應神全—明清人物肖像畫學術討論會,澳門:澳門藝術博物館,2008-11-08 ~ 2008-11-09。
賴毓芝,2008年3月,〈從《墨林今話》的編輯看明治初年中日文化圈的往來〉,「第五屆日本漢學國際會議研討會」,台北:國立台灣大學。2008-03-28 ~ 2008-03-29。
賴毓芝,2008年3月,〈西洋的臉:清宮職貢圖中的歐洲〉,「世貌風情—遼寧省博物館、上海博物館古代人物畫國際研討會」,上海:上海博物館。2008-03-13 ~ 2008-03-14。
Yu-chih Lai, Oct. 2007, “Tea and the Art Market in Sino-Japanese Exchanges of the Late Nineteenth Century: The Case of Sencha and Seiwan Meien Zushi”, paper presented at The Role of Japan in the Institutional Development of Modern Chinese Art, Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 2007-10-18 ~ 2007-10-20.
賴毓芝,2007年9月,〈從《酸寒尉圖》看吳昌碩的上海崛起〉,「與古為徒─吳昌碩書畫篆刻學術研討會」,澳門:澳門藝術博物館, 2007-09-08 ~ 2007-09-09。
Yu-chih Lai, Aug. 2005, “Appropriating Japan in China: Re-editing the Foreign in the Dianshizhai Painting Manual,” paper delivered at the panel “Global, local and modern: 19th- and early 20th-century visuality in China”, paper presented at International Convention of Asia Scholars 4 (ICAS4), Shanghai: International Convention of Asia Scholars, 2005-08-20 ~ 2005-08-24.
Yu-chih Lai, Apr. 2005, “Hokusai in Shanghai: The Formation of Transnational Popular Culture in Shanghai in the Late Nineteenth Century”, paper presented at Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange in Later Chinese and Japanese History, Ohio, U.S.A: Department of History of Art & East Asian Studies Center, Ohio State University, 2005-04-30.
賴毓芝,2004年4月,〈文化遺產的再造:乾隆皇帝對南薰殿圖像的整理〉,「文物收藏、文化遺產與歷史解釋國際研討會(中華文明二十一世紀新意義第八屆會議)」,台北:國立故宮博物院。2004-04-03 ~ 2004-04-04.
Yu-chih Lai, Apr. 2002, “Ren Bonian’s Frontier Paintings and the Shanghai Urban Space in the late Nineteenth Century”, paper presented at panel “Of Other Places, Space, Desire, and Identity in China” at the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting (AAS), Washington, D.C: Association of Asian Studies, 2002-04.
Yu-chih Lai, Dec. 2001, “Ren Bonian and his Japanese Connections in the 1870s”, paper presented at International Symposium on Shanghai School Painting, Shanghai: Shanghai Museum, 2001-12.
Yu-chih Lai, Mar. 2001, “Remapping Borders: Ren Bonian’s Frontier Paintings and Shanghai City Life”, paper presented at panel “Geohistorical Issues in the Production of Painted Images, Visual Culture, and Visuality in China” at the College Art Association Annual Meeting (CAA), Chicago, U.S.A.: College Art Association, 2001-03.
Yu-chih Lai, 2005, “Surreptitious Appropriation: Ren Bonian (1840-1895) and Japanese Culture in Shanghai, 1842-1895”, History of Art, Yale University.
賴毓芝,2011年6月,〈《谿山行旅》前面的那雙藍眼睛:穿透框架的藝術史家班宗華〉,《典藏 古美術》,225期,頁192-199。
賴毓芝,2008年10月,〈肩上風景:談故宮浙派新發現〉,《典藏 古美術》,193期,頁74-85。
賴毓芝,2008年8月, 〈當力量稱霸畫面:「追索浙派」特展介紹〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第305號,頁6-15。
Yu-chih Lai, Feb. 2012, Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative: "To Be or Not to Be: Ren Bonian’s 1887 Painting of Zhidun’s Hawks and Horses", 10 pages, commissioned by The Seattle Art Museum, The Getty Foundation.