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研究室 / 210





People(s), State(s) and Citizens in Crisis

The Art of Fate Calculation: Practicing Divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng


日期: 2023/04/18

時間: 15:00~17:00

地點: 檔案館第二會議室

主持人:Frank Muyard 梅豪方 教授(法國遠東學院台北中心主任)

主講人:Prof. Stéphanie Homola賀樊怡(法國國家科學研究院副研究員)

主辦單位: 近史所西學與中國研究群、法國遠東學院


Based on long-term fieldwork conducted in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng, this work explores the multi-faceted dimensions of fate-calculation – a widespread social and cultural phenomena in contemporary Chinese societies. Within the broader field of the anthropology of divination, I address fate calculation both as a social institution and as an intellectual activity. This combined approach requires studying as an interdependent whole different aspects which are often separate: specialists’ work and expertise, clients’ practices, mantic techniques, the historical evolution of such knowledge and practice and their relationship with the State. First, I examine the legitimization processes of divinatory arts, their adaptation to modern classifications of knowledge, and the status of fate calculation experts in contemporary societies. Second, I focus on the cognitive processes through which fate calculation enables actors to analyze situations, give meaning to them, and find solutions to their problems. Departing from a conception of a shared and uniform “worldview” that would unconsciously guide people’s behavior, this work rather aims at examining the concrete processes through which various actors learn and gradually form cosmological interpretations of the world in certain contexts of social life. It shows how notions of fate and fate calculation circulate in contemporary societies and come to form a common knowledge which, despite a shared vocabulary, may vary greatly in details and interpretations. Fate calculation resists uniformization and institutionalization, not only because of the stigma of “superstition” but also because of its internal dynamic.


日期: 2023/05/12

時間: 15:00~17:00

地點: 檔案館第二會議室

主持人: 張寧教授(近史所研究員兼檔案館主任)

主講人:Prof. Frédéric Constant  凌寒(法國蔚藍海岸大學教授)

主辦單位: 西學與中國研究群、法國遠東學院





The 13th Dalai Lama (1876-1933) as a Tibetan Glorious Sovereign in Inner Asia

(作為內亞西藏榮主的第十三世達賴喇嘛 (1876-1933))

日期: 2023/05/26

時間: 15:00~17:00

地點: 檔案館第二會議室

主持人: 謝歆哲教授(近史所助研究員)

主講人:Fabienne Jagou 谷嵐 (法國遠東學院副教授)

主辦單位: 近史所西學與中國研究群、法國遠東學院



The notion of the “union of the political and the religious” (in Tibetan, chos srid zung ’brel, lugs zung or conjugated order/lugs gnyis or dual order/tshul gnyis; in Chinese, zhengjiao he yi 政教合一) is usually considered as a tool for analyzing the relationship established between Lhasa and Beijing in the Qing period (1644-1912). When the bodhisattva king entered into a relationship with a foreign ruler, the link was said to be personal and religious, not official and institutional. It was then called a “relationship between a spiritual master and a lay protector” (mchod yon): the spiritual master (mchod gnas) transmitted teachings to his lay protector (yon bdag), who, in exchange, ensured his protection as well as that of his school and monasteries.  Studies highlight how the Manchus and the Chinese sought to take advantage of the constitutive twin-ness of Tibetan hierarchs (spiritual and temporal) to assert their authority. However, while the nationalist ambition of the XIII Dalai Lama (1876-1933) to assert his temporal power and the difficulties he encountered both domestically and internationally throughout his reign are demonstrated, studies ignore the efforts of the XIII Dalai Lama to manifest himself as the temporal ruler of Tibet prior to the expulsion of Chinese troops from Tibet (1912).  It is the analysis of this crucial period from 1904 to 1913 that is proposed here. The intervention evaluates the sacralization of politics by the different actors and their understanding of the double corporeality of the sovereign, the Dalai Lama. It leads in fine to a discussion on the definition that the XIIIth Dalai Lama recognizes to his institution to end up embodying a sacred supremacy. It is therefore the decisions and actions of the Dalai Lama and their consequences as revealed in various sources that will hold our attention: his exile in Inner Asia and China (1904-1909), his refusal to sign an agreement with China (1910), his exile in British India (1910-1913) and his search for recognition of his sovereignty by the British, the Manchu reprisals, his resilience and that of the Tibetans, his organization of the Tibetan resistance to the Chinese armed presence.


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